Young musician in the classical music business (survey)

Tell us how we can help your career

FOCUS on You is a talent support program for musicians who are burning to show their music to the world. We help young musicians and composers to find their path in the classical music business by providing them with a skill and knowledge toolkit.
We are working hard on the further development of the program, and we would like to ask you what would be most useful for you. That is why we have assembled a survey, to which we await the answers until August 31.
Among those who complete the survey, we will draw two one-hour individual consultation sessions where one of our experts help them with any questions about their career or project ideas. Feel free to send the link also to your friends.


Ha érdekel a programunk, akkor iratkozz fel a lenti űrlapon, és mindig értesíteni fogunk, amikor a számodra érdekes alkalmakat meghirdetjük! Erről később természetesen bármikor leiratkozhatsz.

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