FOCUS on Social Media (workshop)
What is this workshop about?
Engaging our audience is crucial! We aim to have them attend our concerts, listen to our recordings, and share their preferences. Wondering how to connect with them? Join our workshop to explore current online communication trends.
Discover the optimal platforms for you, understand posting frequency and quality, and grasp essential content requirements for impactful posts. We’ll delve into Facebook and Instagram ads too.
Our trainer will analyze your existing social media, providing personalized advice for ongoing success. Participate in the workshop to enhance your communication on diverse social media platforms!
We recommend you this workshop if
- you are studying to be a musician, you work as a classical music performer or composer,
- you consider it important to build your (professional) personal brand;
- you actually didn’t even think it could be important until now, but you’d like to hear more about it;
- you don’t know which social media platform is really for you (what is the essential difference between them anyway?);
- your target audience doesn’t yet know why they should listen and follow you;
- you want to know the latest social media trends, tips and tricks.
About the trainer
Dr. Orsolya Szabó – founder of Zsolya Communication – originally a lawyer and crisis manager, currently a cosmopolitan business and online marketing strategist. She launched her location-independent network, Zsolya, which mainly deals with online marketing and communication consulting, in 2016 so that she can work from anywhere at any time. Today, they help entrepreneurs from six cities in three countries. Orsi’s goal is to make the various social media interfaces and their potential known and loved as widely as possible, from micro-enterprises to civil organizations to multinational companies. To this end, in recent years, it has held offline and online trainings and workshops for representatives of a wide variety of professions.
We currently do not have a new date for this workshop. If you are interested in the next one, fill out this form!
Frequently asked questions
Is there an age limit for the application?
The workshops are better tailored for young musicians, but everyone is welcome if they think it fits their interests and career stage.
How long is a workshop?
The workshops are usually 120-150 minutes long.
Where will the workshop happen?
The workshops are happening online. After the arrival of the registration fee, we send out the Zoom link.
How can I access to the workshop?
The link to access the workshops will be sent to all participants after payment of the registration fee, before the workshops.
Where can I register for the workshops?
You can register for the workshop on the page of the chosen workshop, in the Registration section.
Frequently asked questions
Can I register only for one workshop?
You can register for one event or all the workshops of the semester together. When registering, you must choose which workshop you wish to participate in.
How do I know that my registration was successful?
After registration, we will confirm the registration in a confirmation e-mail.
Can I get a discount from the registration fee?
Thanks to our supporters, we can offer scholarships to a limited extent. If you want to take advantage of this, after finishing your registration, write a short explanation to the email address, and we will get back to you.
What happens if I signed up for a workshop, but I still can't go?
If you cancel your registration 10 days before the workshop, the registration fee will be refunded. In other cases, the registration fee will not be refunded, and unfortunately it is not possible to watch the workshop from the recording either.
Is the registration transferable?
Registration for the workshop is non-transferable after payment of the registration fee. In exceptional cases, the registration can be modified after individual consultation.
Manapság a lehetőségek sok esetben csak egy karnyújtásnyira vannak, a kérdés csak az, tudomásunk van-e ezekről, vagy tudjuk-e az irányt, hogy merre nyúljunk. A média, az online közösségi terek lehetőségeivel csak az tud élni, aki jól tájékozott - ehhez adott egy jó kiindulási pontot a FOCUS on Közösségi Média workshop.
Gedai Eszter,
Minden 21. századi fiatal pályakezdő művész számára elengedhetetlen, hogy gyakorlatot szerezzen és tapasztalatai legyenek az önmenedzsment területén. A kiemelkedő zenei készségek és szakmai tudás mellett fontos, hogy a művésznek ismeretei legyenek a lehetőségekről, amelyek adottak az elinduláshoz. A FOCUS on You program workshopjai olyan ötleteket és tanácsokat adtak nekem a zenei marketing, koncertszervezés és pályázatírás témaköreiben, amelyeket mind a mai hasznosíthatok, és úgy gondolom, egész hátralévő pályám során a segítségemre lesznek.
Varga Abigél,
Nagyon jó szívvel ajánlom a Sonus Alapítvány programjait minden korosztálynak! Legyen szó még diákról vagy akár már aktívan koncertező művészről. Az újító, vérfrissítő kezdeményezések a klasszikus zenei életben manapság kritikusan fontosak. Melyekben véleményem szerint a Focus on You Csapata jelenleg az egyik legprofibb hazánkban.
Mohai Bálint,
If you are interested in our programs, sign up using the form below, and we will always notify you when we announce exciting opportunities for you! You can unsubscribe at any time later, of course.